Tržaška 122, Ljubljana


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B.K.S. Iyengar, Light on Life, pg. 28-33: “Yoga teaches us that awareness and intelligence must permeate the body. We must create a marriage between the awareness of the body and that of the mind. When the two parties do not cooperate, there is unhappiness on both sides. Many moderns use their bodies so little that they lose the sensitivity of the bodily awareness.

How does one develop this intelligence in the body? Asanas can begin to teach us. When you stand in the warrior pose with your arms extended, you can see the fingers of your hand in front of you, but you can also feel them. You can also sense the placement of your back leg and tell whether it is straight or not without looking back. You must observe and correct the body position with the help of trillions of eyes that you have in the form of cells. This is how you begin to bring awareness to your body and fuse the intelligence of brain and physical strength.

The brain may instruct the body to do a posture, but the heart has to feel it too. The head is the seat of intelligence, but the heart is the seat of the emotions. Both have to work in cooperation with the body.

The moment you bring attention, you are creating something, and creation has life and energy. Awareness allows us to overcome tiredness and exhaustion in our poses and in our lives. Awareness in action brings back energy and rejuvenates the body and the mind. Awareness brings life. Life is dynamic, and so therefore the asanas should be.”

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