Tržaška 122, Ljubljana


Thank you India. Thank you silence.

“..thank you India. Thank you. Thank you silence.   The moment I let go of it, was the moment I got more than I could handle. The...

G. Prashant Iyengar; Yoga is like Rolls-Royce

G. Prashant je sin BKS Iyengarja in avtoriteta RIMY Inštituta v Punah. Na svojih vadbah ima svojstven način poučevanja. Od praktikantov želi, da spoznajo...

Taint-free actions

“The yogic action is an action that is absolutely unfettered by past habit and without desire for personal reward in the future. It is...


It’s very difficult to be aware of secondary waves rising. We always think that we are reacting in certain situations to the primary stimulus,...

Freedom vs. Samskara

” In Indian and yogic philosophy, samskaras are the mental impressions left by all thoughts, actions and intents that an individual has ever experienced. They...

»Yogas citta-vrtti-nirodah.«

»Yogas citta-vrtti-nirodah.«  – Yoga Sutras I/2 Indijski modrec Patanjali v sanskrtskem besedilu “Jogijske sutre” opredeljuje jogo kot umiritev miselnih vrtincev – “vrttis”. Patanjalijev nasvet, kako doseči to...

Invokacija Patanjaliju

Invokacija Patanjaliju Patanjalijeva invokacija je začetni stavek ali verz, ki se običajno uporablja na začetku klasičnega teksta Patanjali Joga Sutre. Ta invokacija ima več pomembnih...