Tržaška 122, Ljubljana

Taint-free actions

“The yogic action is an action that is absolutely unfettered by past habit and without desire for personal reward in the future. It is the right thing in the presenet moment just because it is right and is colorless or taint-free. Its great benefit is that you can act in the world withouting creating reaction. The benefit of that for a yogi, in relation to freedom, is that he is trying to free himself from the karmic wheel of becoming. The yogi wants to get off the merry-go round of cause and effect. He knows that pleasure leads to pain and pain leads to pleasure in an endless cycle,” B.K.S. Iyengar, Light on life, pg. 137

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Jogijski Camino

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Nova sezona, nove vadbe

" Regular practice of yoga can help you face the turmoil of life with steadiness and stability", B.K.S.Iyengar Ne glede na okolišline je pomembno, da...


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