Tržaška 122, Ljubljana


It’s very difficult to be aware of secondary waves rising. We always think that we are reacting in certain situations to the primary stimulus, the ruffle on the surface of consciousness, but in fact, far more than we can ever realize, we are reacting to the predisposition that is in the samskara at the bottom of the lake. We think we act in freedom; we convince ourselves that we are, but in reality we are manipulated and influenced by the waves.

(you can get better understanding of terms: primary, secondary waves and samskara by reading the previous post )

So how can we catch secondary waves coming up from the floor of consciousness? For that you need speed and clarity of perception, an acute self-awerness. If your lake is muddy and impure, if there are lots of toxins in your system clouding your vision, clarity of vision is imposible. If your liver is sluggish with toxins, your brain will be impaired because the liver is not filtering the blood. Your nervus sistem will be slow to react on danger.

As yoga practice cleanse the system and rests the nerves, clarity, cleanlines, contentment, and serenity establish themselves. Contentment means the thought waves in the lake of consciousness are less turbolent.

In addition, by breathing before acting, we are able to slow down our responses, inhale divinity, and surrender ego in our exhalation. This momentary pause allows us the time for cognitive reflection, corrective reaction and reappraisal. It is the momentary pause in the process of cause and effect that allows us to begin the process of freedom.

The yogic analysis of the workings of consciousness, supported by practice, enables us to live philosophically, deliberately, and wisely in ordinary life, and whenever life presents extraordinary challenges and opportunities, we will be prepared to handle those too.

(B.K.S. Iyengar: Light on Life, pg. 138/146)

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